ESPN | Footy Tips
Role | Director & DOP
Client | ESPN
Client | Papermoose
Production| The Makers
Camera | Sony FX6
Lens| Sigma Art
An awesome time getting to hang out with sharks and create this for EPSN.
The authenticity of our characters & the believability of our story was incredibly important.
We wanted to create a sense that this is footage one of the friends was filming on a phone or consumer camera as the events unfolded in real time. To accomplish this, we adopted a very casual style of shooting with a deep depth of field, whip pans, crash zooms & dipping focus. n text goes here
Amgen - World Osteoporosis Day
We focused our look and lighting based on two factors, one was creating an image that looked like it was a real environment. We did this in a similar way to how we’d light on location and used the set to motivate the direction of light having our main large sources shining through the frosted glass windows on the right of the frame. We balanced this with a soft warm fill coming from the left of frame which was motivated by the practical lamp in the background, a large top light to create an even light to softly fill the room, and LEDs inside the scanning machine so it would feel it was working.
We also wanted to make Ita Butrose look her best, this was done with lens and focal length choice along with large soft sources of light and plenty of fill. As this was a piece to camera and we felt we made the environment feel real, we were happy to have the visual feel slightly lit and incorporated a top hair light, and minimal shadow in order to create the most flattering image.
Role | DOP
Client | Amgen
Camera | Alexa Mini
Lens| Cooke S4
Blackhawk | LanSar
Epic landscapes, adventure, mountains and dogs rescuing people. A dream job and although I wasn't able to head to New Zealand to shoot or direct due to COVID 19, I was stoked to still be involved.
In this edit, we wanted to focus on showing the vast landscapes and terrain that the Land Search and Rescue team cover, whilst showing the close bond and importance of working with rescue dogs such as Rocket.
Role | Editor
Client | Blackhawk pet care
Agency: The Works
Camera | Red Monstro (R3D RAW)
VW Golf - Legacy Continues
This was a very product-focused edit concentrating on showing new features and styling. To keep it fun and fresh we cut to the beat of a track that matches Volkwagens tone.
Role | Editor
Client | Volkswagen
Supercoach | NRL
Role | Director, DOP & Editor
Client | Supercoach
Agency| The Works
Camera | Ursa Mini
Lens| Sigma Cine
NewsCorp | Seeds TVC
Role | Director & Editor
Client | NewsCorp
Agency| The Works
Camera | Amira
Lens| Zeiss Super Speeds
Our opening shot was to both give visual interest, but also show a children's imagination with experiences such as growing plants with friends and family. This helped to add a sense of fun and fantasy enforcing it to be a fun activity for children. We cast a real mother and daughter, which helped with the authenticity and helped us to get the best performance.
TWS | The Voice of Us
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
Subaru - Detour
Although my main role was as an editor I was present on all shoots days shooting stills for Subaru. This gave me a great insight before going into the edit as I got to see takes as they were happening, hear comments on preferred takes and I was able to piece it together in my head before even touching a computer.
Our main focus was giving the context of taking a detour whilst telling the story from the child's perspective. Despite having a lot of the squeeze into a short time frame, we wanted our pace to not feel fast or rushed to match the positive tone of the performances. To do this we used as few cuts as possible, having each scene work mostly with just one shot, this enabled us to show a wide range of scenes and locations without feeling too cutty and rushed.
Role | Editor
Client | Subaru
Camera | Alexa LF Mini
News Corp | 100 Days
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
NewsCorp | Disney TVC
Role | Director, Editor & VFX
Client | NewsCorp
Camera | Alexa Mini
Lens| Cooke S4
The idea was to bring the magic from Disney books into reality which we did through performance with reactions and VFX. We also wanted to focus on the connections between the children, books and friends and family. We did this by creating three different scenes, all of which we could shoot at one location, keeping it to a one-day shoot. Sometimes working with children can be challenging, but we were very fortunate, and they were all great.
VW Golf | Rotoscope breakdown
Role | VFX
Supercoach | Elevator TVC
Role | Director, DOP & Editor
Client | Supercoach
Agency| The Works
Camera | Ursa Mini
Lens| Sigma Cine
This commercial was to work alongside other videos based on the banter and consequences of losing the footy game, SuperCoach.
We used our female actresses' reactions as the doors opened to create a sense of interest and anticipation before revealing Jonathan Brown in the inflatable costume. We then had Johnathan act as if he didn’t want to be seen by anyone dressed like this, and he was safely in the elevator unnoticed until the doors opened, and then was slightly frustrated he had been caught whilst still being friendly and playful. I wish I could say the unicorn horn getting stuck in the door was my idea, but this was a happy accident on the day that we loved, and our talent were true professionals and kept going with their performances.
We only had the location available for two hours, was lighting in a small space, and managed inflatable costumes and the lift doors opening and closing, so we decided to shoot handheld to move as quickly as possible on the day.
Smith Family - Children’s Charity
It’s always a pleasure to work on something meaningful. With one in six children living in poverty in Australia, they rely on organisations such as the Smith Family for School essentials. Each year I’ve been fortunate to edit their commercials where we focus on the mood and tone heightened by using long takes to let the emotion from the performances hold the audience's attention.
Role | Editor
Client | Smith Family
Camera | C500ii (5.9K RAW)
Metcash | VFX bottle breakdown
Role | VFX
Invictus Games | Sydney
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
Visit Canberra | Something they’re not telling us
Role | DOP
Client | Visit Canberra
Agency: Wunderman Thompson
Production: Form Productions
Camera Sony FX6
Lens: Zeiss Contax & Nikkor Zooms
Supercoach | Mouthpiece TVC
Role | Director, DOP & Editor
Client | Supercoach
Agency| The Works
Camera | Ursa Mini
Lens| Sigma Cine
This commercial was to work alongside other videos, all of which are based around the banter and consequences of losing the footy game, SuperCoach.
With this short TVC coming in at only 15 seconds, we had to be selective with our frames and actions whilst we built up to the punch line.
The opening shot begins with our main talent walking in to show the back of his head and his audience’s reaction. This was done in a bid to not give everything away and introduce the important and humourous reveal. Colour, depth and separation were difficult factors on the shoot as we had no control over the location. We were in a small meeting room with a large table that was the same colour as the wall and we were unable to move. We favourited our cleanest wall for our main talent using blocking to hide the many wall controls and switches behind him. We then created some depth with the use of peoples shoulders, props in the form of glasses, a plant and a whiteboard, and set the camera height to show the table as an additional layer of depth and create a subtle empowering feeling looking up at our talent as he fully embraces the meeting with the mouthpiece giving it his best. Our reverse shot was slightly more challenging as the table, wall and skin tones were all very similar colours and physically close to each other. Fortunately, we had some fast lenses which helped soften the background, we then again used props to add a foreground layer of depth, and created a top light for our talent to bring them out from the back wall which we flagged in order to let the wall fall darker.
Macquarie Shopping Center - Shopping as it should be
Role | Director, DOP & Colourist.
Client | Macquarie Shopping Center
Production | Papermoose & The Makers
Camera | Alexa Mini
Lenses | Zeiss CP3
NSW Police Force | Blue Portal
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
V.E.T - I Wish I’d Known
Role | DOP
Client | Vocational education and training
Camera | BlackMagic Ursa
Lenses | Zeiss Classics
We shot 9 ambassadors films over 3 days with a very lean crew. The sunlight would come through the windows in the afternoon, which looked beautiful, and we knew we wanted to create a similar look with consistently throughout each day. We were on the 2nd floor, and resources were lean. I was lighting, rigging and pulling focus myself. We couldn’t use artificial sources from outside and through the windows, so I rigged up spotlight mounts with gobos in the ceiling to create the window light on the floor, surfaces and our main backlight for our talent. Several other light sources accompanied this, the use of split diopters and some lens flares to add more visual interest that was motivated by the use of projectors.
Supercoach | Shane Warne TVC
Role | DOP, Editor & Animator
Client | Supercoach
Agency| The Works
Camera | Alexa Mini
Lens| Leica Summicrons
A fun spot I shot featuring Shane Warne with plenty of banter for the Supercoach footy game. We wanted to focus on Shane, and his performance so decided to keep the camera either locked off or with minimal smooth and controlled movement to not distract or draw attention away from Shane.
Green was our main colour to portray the branding, but we chose different shades, vibrancy and reflective properties through our props and set in order to create separation and contrast. We then added to this with the use of light, firstly a hard warm light coming through the window and adding shape onto the wall, and the use of RGB tubes set to green to create more colour and interest under the desk and on the whiteboard. We also shot on slightly wider focal lengths for most of the shoot to open up and show more off the background and exaggerate the abstract studio reality.
We had limited time with Shane and needed to build and light the set on the same day, along with many other social outputs to capture and accompany the TVC. With this in mind, we decided to light with large soft sources and a relatively even contrast ratio so we could move as quickly as possible.
Our time was limited with Shane, and when framing the RGB tube under the desk was obviously in shot. To re-rig this and get the same quality of light would have taken time that we didn’t have. Knowing that I was able to remove this myself meant I was able to keep the shoot moving and utilise Shanes time without worrying about the need for external post houses.
I also animated the motion graphics for this TVC saving needing additional external resources. These were fairly simple animation techniques but the idea was that the movement and inertia of the graphics were to be driven and influenced by Shanes actions and movement so it feels part of the shot.
Supercoach | GFX and VFX breakdown
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
Drummer Boy | Zero Cares Given
Role | Director, DOP & Colourist.
Client | Drummer Boy
Client | Common Ventures
Camera | Sony Fx6
Lenses | Zeiss Contax
Going into the project, we discussed the brand and target audience. We wanted it to be alternative, edgy and generally pretty cool. Along with our idea and characters, we wanted our visuals to amplify this and decided to introduce some colour with warm tones contrasted by pools of cyan.
Our budget was lean, and we didn’t have a gaffer on board. Everything was lit between the 1st AC and myself. We ran haze and diffusion filters to lift our shadows and create a soft glow with our practicals. This atoms also helped create more depth softening our background.
Edge | Logo Animation
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
News Corp | News Connect
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics
Bupa - By kids, for kids
Role | Director, DOP & Editor
Client | Bupa
Production | Edge
Camera | Sony FX6
Lenses | Angenieux EZ-1
Social Morphing Loop
Role | Animator/Motion Graphics