R U OKAY - Questions

Role | Director & DOP (Lachlan)
Role | Director | Remote (Ming)
Client | R U OKAY
Production | Papermoose & The Makers

Camera | Arri Alexa Mini
Lenses | Zeiss CP3

  • There is often more than meets the eye. Just because someone smiles back, or is posting happy pictures on Instagram doesn’t mean they are okay. Many people can be hesitant to talk about their feelings. Phrases like ‘Man up’ or ‘suck it up’ has led many to believe they should bottle their emotions up, so it’s important that others initiate the discussion and offer their support.It was a pleasure getting to work on a project that aims to teach us how important it is to really pay attention to others, and if in doubt not to be afraid to take the time to see how they are.This was in the middle of lockdown and we shot with a skeleton crew of just 3. A big thanks to the legends at The Makers for doing what seemed impossible and managing to get our permissions and exemptions to make this happen.

    I was honoured to work on such an important project and share part of our ambassador’s true stories of how their connections and support with their friends helped them overcome difficult times.
